Find out how sedation dentistry can quell your anxieties and make your next dental visit easier.
We know that dental anxieties can leave patients fearful of visiting the dentist; unfortunately, it can also hinder and prevent patients from getting the proper professional oral care they need to keep their teeth and gums healthy. These routine visits are important for your health, and, if you are experiencing dental issues, these problems will not likely go away without treatment. Our London, ON, dentists at Northland Dental Centre know how difficult it can be to sometimes schedule an appointment, let alone set foot in our office, which is why we are pleased to offer sedation dentistry.
Who can benefit from sedation dentistry?
Children and adults can both opt to get sedation dentistry to help make their next dental visit easier especially if:
- They have a severe fear or phobia of the dentist
- They have had negative dental experiences in the past
- They have a sensitive gag reflex
- They require lengthy or multiple dental procedures
- They have sensitive teeth or trouble getting numb
- They hate needles, the sound of drills or are triggered by other dental sights and sounds
How do I know if I’m right for sedation dentistry?
Before we administer anything, the first thing our London, ON, general dentists will do is go through your medical history to make sure that the medication or form of sedation we give is safe. From there we can determine if this is right for you.
What kinds of sedation dentistry are available?
The most common form is oral sedation, in which you will take a prescription anti-anxiety medication up to one hour before your procedure. The dose we provide you will depend on the severity of your dental anxieties and/or the length of your treatment.
In other cases, we may choose to provide inhalation sedation (referred to as “laughing gas”). The effects are similar to oral sedation but there is less chance for side effects, and the effects of the sedation wear off much quicker, which makes it more convenient for someone who has to drive themselves home after their treatment.
Do you have questions about sedation dentistry and what it can do for you? We would be happy to talk to you about your options for your upcoming procedure. Call Northland Dental Centre in London, Ontario at (519) 455-2551 today to learn more.