Find out how one simple cosmetic restoration could turn your smile around.
Have you ever noticed that the more you smile the happier you feel? Even if you aren’t in the best of moods if you can find a moment to genuinely smile throughout the day this could elevate your mood and provide a host of other benefits. Of course, if you aren’t proud of your smile then you may find yourself hiding it from those around you. Why not let your smile show? Our London, Ontario cosmetic dentists at Northland Dental Centre can help!
What are dental veneers?
Made from very thin but durable layers of porcelain, these shells are custom made to cover the entire front surface of a tooth to improve the shape, color and appearance.
Whether you suffer from severe discolorations, misalignments, cracks and chips, or malformed teeth, dental veneers can help set things straight. In fact, veneers can even help fix minor crookedness and gaps between teeth to give you a straighter smile without ever needing to wear braces. Many aesthetic problems can be addressed with help from porcelain veneers.
How are veneers placed?
If you are getting traditional veneers from our London, ON, dentist, then we’ll first need to evaluate your smile to make sure that your teeth and gums are healthy and free of decay or gum disease. We will also make sure that the issues you want to address can be handled with dental veneers.
Some tooth preparation is required prior to getting your veneers. This means that we will shave off a small amount of enamel from the front of your teeth to make room for your veneers.
Since veneers are created based on the shape and exact measurements of your teeth, we will need to take impressions of your teeth. These impressions will provide the lab with the measurements they need to craft the perfect set of veneers.
Once your veneers are ready you will come in for your final fitting where we will bond them to the front of your teeth using a special dental resin and a dental light to harden the resin into place. It’s that simple!
Do you have questions about getting dental veneers in London, Ontario? Are you ready to find out how this cosmetic restoration could enhance your smile? If so, then it’s time to turn to Northland Dental Centre for all your dental cosmetic needs. Call (519) 455-2551 today.
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